Moody Dunbar, Inc’s Code of Conduct
Below are Moody Dunbar, Inc.’s guiding principles of what is expected of its Officers, Directors,
Managers, Supervisors, Employees, Contract Employees, Brokers, Vendors, and any other representative of the Company not mentioned above.
We shall hold one another accountable to a:
- Commitment to Integrity
- Honesty in all business endeavors including but not limited to decisions, actions,
conversations, documentations, and methods. - Speaking up when one’s actions, words, and documentation do not meet such a
standard. - Responsibility for one’s actions and considering the effects of those actions on others.
- Reporting unethical behavior when it is witnessed.
- Honesty in all business endeavors including but not limited to decisions, actions,
- Commitment to Excellence
- Competency and accuracy in job duties and accepting when others point out how to
improve. - Asking others for help from appropriate parties
- Showing up on time each day to work as scheduled.
- Reviewing work before sending to coworkers or supervisors
- Willing to do other job duties as requested by one’s supervisor.
- Competency and accuracy in job duties and accepting when others point out how to
- Commitment to Inclusion
- Maintaining a work environment free of discrimination; we will not tolerate
discrimination by any employee or persons in contact with our employees. - Aware of unconscious bias and generalizations when working with one another and
solving problems. - Treating one another as you think they would like to be treated in the workplace with a
professional tone, language, and behavior.
- Maintaining a work environment free of discrimination; we will not tolerate
- Commitment to Laws and Regulations of the Workplace
- Complying with applicable environmental, food/general safety, HR, and finance laws of
the workplace - Ethical and responsible dealings with company’s finances, products, equipment
documentations, partnerships, and company image.
- Complying with applicable environmental, food/general safety, HR, and finance laws of
- Commitment to Business Growth and Continuity
- Prioritizing customer demands, orders, and shipments
- Supporting each other to meet customer demands and communicating when those
demands cannot be met - Working with management on training plans
- Managing and respecting company time and property
- Managing and respecting company expenses for continuity and new business endeavors
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